Supplementation With Carotenoids, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and Vitamin E Has a Positive Effect on the Symptoms and Progression of Alzheimer’s Disease. Nolan JM, Power R, Howard AN, Bergin P, Roche W, Prado-Cabrero A, Pope G, Cooke J, Power T, Mulcahy R. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. September 2022. 01 November, 2022
Omega-3 Fatty Acid, Carotenoid and Vitamin E Supplementation Improves Working Memory in Older Adults: A Randomised Clinical Trial. Power R, Nolan JM, Prado-Cabrero A, Roche W, Coen R, Power T, Mulcahy R. Clinical Nutrition. February 2022. 19 January, 2022
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Targeted Nutritional Intervention for Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment: The Cognitive impAiRmEnt Study (CARES) Trial 1. Power R, Nolan J, Prado-Cabrero A, Coen R, Roche W, Power T, Howard A, Mulcahy R. Journal of Personalised Medicine. May 2020. 08 June, 2020
The Role of Nutrition for the Aging Population: Implications for Cognition and Alzheimer’s Disease. Power R, Prado-Cabrero A, Mulcahy R, Howard A, Nolan JM. Annual Reviews of Food Science and Technology. April 2019. 08 April, 2019